Katie Schlotfeldt
Broadcast Journalism Story
Parents on Facebook
Facebook Friend Parents
B-ROLL CLIP OF THE SOCIAL NETWORK SOMEONE TYPING BROOKE TALKING ZAC TALKING SOMEONE LOGING INTO FACEBOOK BROOKE TALKING ZAC TALKING PARENT #1 TALKING PARENT #2 TALKING PARENT #1 TALKING PARENT #2 TALKING BROOKE TALKING ZAC TALKING PARENT #1 TALKING PARENT #2 TALKING STAND UP | A-ROLL [Narration] In the 2010 movie the Social Network a college student by the name of Mark Zuckerberg creates a social frenzy by inventing Facebook, a network initially intended for college students to share pictures, personalities, relationships, and statuses amongst fellow peers. Facebook soon grew going from college to college, soon down to high school and down to some middle schools. But what many of us don’t think to count is the growing number of parents joining this social phenomenon. (BROOKE) “Yeah, my parents and step parents all have Facebooks.” (ZAC) “Yes, both, and my grandparents.” [Narration] But what do we think is the reasoning for joining now? (BROOKE) “To honestly, watch their kids, that’s why my mom and dad got them.” (ZAC) “To find friends from high school and to keep track of their kids.” [Narration] So why are so many adults joining Facebook? Is it to spy on their kids or find fellow high school friends? Or is it for other reasons teens don’t see? (PARENT #1) I got a Facebook because some of my co-workers and extended family have them. (PARENT #2) I got one because its "cool" (PARENT #1) I do sometimes spy on my kids, but not that often. (PARENT #2) My kids wont even let me friend them! [Narration] Now that Facebook has been spreading amongst an older age group, will they become the dominate population on this social network? (BROOKE) “No because adults don’t know how to deal with technology.” (ZAC) “No because some adults will never get into it, I think people are getting them just because they have kids on it.” (PARENT #1) They might, Im not sure though. (PARENT #2) I think they already do! [Narration] Reporting for the Flash this is Katie |
Great story, but your ending fizzles...